Events Honoring Veterans
MN Vietnam Veterans Charity helps support various events throughout the year. Events supported by MN Vietnam Veterans include:
- Honor Flight Twin Cities
- Flag Cases and Honor and Remember Flags for our Fallen Heroes
- POW/MIA Yearly Remembrance Vigil
- Pain Free Patriots Clinics
- MN Humanitarian Voice Award
- Commemorative Air Force Flyovers to honor all Veterans
- Minnesota Military Appreciation Fund
- Minnesota State Fair Military Appreciate Day Flyover
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Tee it up for the Troops Veterans Recognition
- McDonough Benefit yearly Golf Tournament
- Facilitate T-6 Thunder Flyovers for funerals and other events to honor Veterans
Where our dollars go
Honor Flight Twin Cities: Sends WWII and Korean War Veterans, free of charge, to Washington D.C. to witness the memorials built for them, before they pass into history. We organize and fund the Twin Cities Honor Flights through your donations and the donations of corporate sponsors.

Minnesotans’ Military Appreciation Fund (MMAF) is a statewide fundraising initiative by the citizens of Minnesota, for Minnesota military personnel and their families. Launched in August of 2005, MMAF is a non-partisan, non-political, 501(C)(3) non-profit corporation. The mission of MMAF is to say "thanks" to Minnesota Service members and their families who are making sacrifices in the defense of our freedoms in combat zones around the world. MMAF has provided over $10.4 million in grants to more than 16,400 recipients, making it the nation’s largest-ever statewide fundraiser of its kind.